Saturday 28 July 2012

Sploder(Where games come true)

  Greetings, i would like to tell you about the website i go to most of the time.The website is .It enables you to make your own simple games with the blocks, enemies, etc. provided.I like the platformer maker the best.It one of the 4 types of games that you can choose from.Even though games made by platformer maker are 2d, i still like it best as the background is very nice.If you want your game to be published, you have to log in to your existing account or create a new account.Or you can also create a game in Sploder without an account.But it cannot be published for other people to play your game.Here is a link leading to a youtube video based on how to create a simple platformer game in sploder(you can also find examples of other types of splder games if you want): name is Evilgenius in Sploder, by the way.Here are some of my games:Carnivaland,Base of hearts,Machine Factory,Secrets of the lava river,Turret war,etc.I strongly recommend you to play Sploder right away!

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